Imprint This website is hosted by the University of Applied Sciences, a consortium member of the EU funded projects iCargo and L4Life. The organization of the conference is led by the University of Applied Sciences. Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH (University of Applied Sciences) Represenative for the conference: Disclaimer We cannot assume any liability for the contents of external pages. Solely the operators of those linked pages are responsible for their contents. The Fachhochschule Vorarlberg makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the content of this website is kept up to date, and that it is accurate and complete. Nevertheless, the possibility of errors cannot be entirely ruled out. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft does not give any warranty in respect of the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of material published on this website, and disclaims all liability for (material or non-material) loss or damage incurred by third parties arising from the use of content obtained from the website, except in such cases where it can be proven that misleading or incorrect information was posted with deliberate intention to harm or through gross negligence. |